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Before your Personal Assistant starts

Contract of employment

You must have an agreement, 'contract of employment', between you and your employees so that you are both clear about each other's responsibilities.

Paying your Personal Assistant in Care

You can do this yourself or use a payroll scheme, such as a local accountant or a Direct Payment, personal health budget or user led support organisation

Employment help and advice

  • Acas have a helpline for anyone who needs employment law or workplace advice

Providing a pension

As an employer, you have a legal duty to help your Personal Assistant save for retirement.


Redundancy is when you ask your personal assistant to leave, either because you do not need to employ them anymore or because you need to reduce the number of staff you have

Maternity, paternity, adoption rights and parental leave

Your Personal Assistant is entitled to have maternity, paternity, adoption and parental leave and pay

Health and safety

You have a legal responsibility to make sure that your Personal Assistant remains safe and healthy whist doing their job.


Individual employers need to have employer's liability insurance to make sure that you and your personal assistants are protected if an accident or incident happens.

Vehicle insurance

It is important you check with your vehicle insurance policy and/ or Motability scheme / private lease terms when allowing others to use your vehicle.