Contract of employment You must have an agreement, 'contract of employment', between you and your employees so that you are both clear about each other's responsibilities. Setting up a contract of employment Contract of employment template Paying your Personal Assistant in Care You can do…
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Terms and Conditions Please read this section carefully as it is legally binding on you. Hampshire Personal Assistant in Care Finder ( is a website created, managed by People Places Lives Ltd (PPL) on behalf of Hampshire County Council. It provides a platform for use…
Staying safe online The vast majority of people using these types of sites are sincere and honest in the information they provide and in their reasons for joining. However, there are exceptions and you need to be aware of how to keep yourself protected while meeting people through websites. …
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Job description and person specification A job description is a list of tasks that you would like your personal assistant to do. A person specification is a list of the skills experience and personal qualities that you would like your personal assistant to have. Useful information about creati…
Induction When your Personal Assistant starts, you should plan an induction to explain what you want them to do, how you want things to be done and introduce them to their workplace More information about an induction Supervision Supervisions are a two-way discussion between you and your pe…
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What is a Personal Assistant in Care? A personal assistant works directly with one or more individuals, to support them with various aspects of their daily life so they can live the way they choose. Find out more from Skills for Care. Working with different people As a Personal Assistant, every …
There will be times when things don't go to plan, or need to be improved Find out more information about sorting problems Solve a workplace dispute - GOV.UK Disciplinary record template - Acas Safeguarding and abuse Abuse is a violation of a person's human and civil rights by another pe…